What I believe in
Deeply passionate about public education, I am committed to providing students and teachers with the resources they need to thrive as lifelong learners in our community.
Empowering teachers to help students develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they need to succeed in and beyond the classroom
What that looks like:
Ensuring that teaching materials and classroom resources meet students where they are and reflect the full range of lived experience in our community
Incorporating authentic, qualitative assessments that go beyond numbers to give students and teachers the feedback they need to customize learning and reach their full potential
Supporting professional development for teachers that reflects best practices and allows adequate room to apply new content to their own classroom
Developing opportunities for experiential, skill-based learning in and beyond the classroom
Fostering a safe, inclusive, student-centered learning environment where every student, teacher, and community member feels safe, supported, and celebrated
What that looks like:
Promoting diversity, equity, and belonging through awareness and advocacy
Eliminating socioeconomic barriers to participation in the arts, sports, and other extracurricular activities
Advocating for integrated on-site mental and physical health services in the schools along with safe, clear reporting structures around incidents that compromise student and community well being
Including student voices in curriculum and policy review through direct participation, community surveys, and targeted outreach to those whose lived experience can provide the necessary range of perspectives on the decisions being made
Investing in shared learning experiences, real-world problem-solving, and clear communication
What that looks like:
Establishing clear communication norms between schools and families
Promoting collaborative, service-oriented learning experiences across classes and cohorts, in partnership with local community organizations
Increasing access to resources that help students and their support networks grow, learn, and positively contribute to the world around them
Communicating with the public about key issues facing Medford Public Schools